Sexual Harassment

Σεξουαλική Παρενόχληση

April: Sexual Harassment Awareness Month.

April 2024 marks the official 23rd anniversary of Sexual Harassment Awareness Month. Since the 1940s and 1950s, advocates for social change and equality, especially black and women of color, have campaigned against sexual assault in the United States of America.

ΤIn 1970, efforts began to gain momentum with the establishment of the 1993 law on violence against women being an important milestone. The need to prevent sexual violence is growing, events are taking place and since 2001 April has officially been Sexual Harassment Awareness Month. Its symbol is the blue-green ribbon which was adopted as a symbol of awareness and prevention of sexual assault. In 2009, Barack Obama was the first president to officially declare April Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, which can take different forms.Physical/physical abuse, psychological/emotional, verbal, violation of personal space, unwanted touch, exposure to unwanted images/situations.

In a poll presented by Stand Up by L’Oreal Paris at the Wow Festival 2024, it emerged that only in public places and only by strangers the forms of abuse that most have faced are:

  • persistent staring
  • Animal whistles or sounds
  • inappropriate gestures
  • Inappropriate comments
  • Someone was standing very close
  • followed the person
  • public demonstration
  • physical contact without consent
L’Oréal Paris is committed to supporting the Stand Up: Against harassment movement in a public place. How can you deal with harassment in a public place without putting your safety at risk?
Attend a ten-minute Stand Up training and learn how to react safely when you witness or be harassed in public.
Σεξουαλική Παρενόχληση
Photo By: Andriana Marinaki

Everyone, regardless of age, gender, region, has been confronted, at least once, with sexual harassment on the street. We have received it within the framework of a supposed humor, in our friends, in our workplace and in our family environment.

It is especially important to point out that sexual harassment is not a behavior that we only receive from strangers. Sexual abusive behavior is abusive even if it comes from our familiar family members, from our friends, from men and women, from our relationship, from our date, from our colleague. It’s abusive even if we don’t remember exact details and if it didn’t involve touching.

Did you know?

  • Over half of women and nearly 1 in 3 men have experienced physical sexual violence in their lifetime.
  • One in 4 women and about 1 in 26 men have experienced full-blown rape or attempted rape.
  • 1 in 3 women and about 1 in 9 men have experienced sexual harassment in public.
  • In America, every 73 seconds a person is sexually harassed, where every 9 minutes that person is a child
  • In Greece, 65% of women say they have experienced sexual harassment or abuse in the workplace. 85% say it is difficult to get justice for the victim.

As April draws to a close, it’s important to reflect on the significance of the anniversary. Recent events have highlighted the urgent need for continuous education and action to combat sexual harassment. Whether it’s movements like #MeToo, publicized affairs, or ongoing social debates, it’s clear that we still have a long way to go to create a safe environment for all.


If you have experienced at least once, one or more forms of abuse, remember that:

    1. You have every right to talk about it openly. Silence reproduces the cycle of abuse. Whether it’s a trusted friend, family member, therapist, or support group, talking can be the first step toward relief.
    2. You bear no responsibility whatsoever. . It’s never the location or the time that is to blame. It’s not what you wore or the relationship you had with the abuser. It is solely the fault of the abuser.
    3. You are not alone. There are people and resources to support you and fight with you.
    4. 4. Managing and dealing with trauma is not something simple. It is important to understand that healing is not a linear process, but there are good and bad days.
    5. You are strong!

Article writer: Katerina Faili

Translated by: Nectaria Lambropoulou

Article Editor: Sofia Dialiatsi

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