Women and Ageism – The Age Prejudice

Γυναίκες και Ageism ο Ρατσισμός της Ηλικίας

Imagine a woman at a mature age. How do you visualize her? As a withering flower or as a rose blooming in wisdom and beauty? Mature women are in the crosshairs of prejudices, which are part of the ‘ageism’ phenomenon. The term ‘ageism’ refers to the segregation or prejudice against people based on their age, resulting in their exclusion or undermining of their potentials. These segregations, known as ‘Women and Ageism’, attempt to restrict the value and potential of women as they get older, in the patriarchal society. Let us explore three taboos regarding the age racism.

1. The woman who gets older, withers

The traditional perception that a woman is more beautiful in ‘the prime of her time’ has its roots in our culture. The beauty industry fuels this idea, selling products that promise eternal youth. A great number of women struggle to preserve the freshness of their skin and hide their wrinkles, lest the society will criticize them harshly, as they grow older. Therefore, they waste money, effort, attention and energy to manage to avoid the unavoidable, aging. That’s because maturity is demonized.

How liberating it would be if women accepted their beauty, both internally and externally, as it evolves with age? Besides, charm has no expiration date. As Coco Chanel once stated: ‘No-one is young after 40, but they could be irresistible at any age’.

Ο ρατσισμός της ηλικίας

2. A mature woman doesn’t stand a chance in the job market

A widespread stereotype is that women over 50 are offered fewer job opportunities. These women often believe that they need to find a permanent position or ensure a passive income fearing that no-one will hire an older woman. This prevailing mentality is what leads the woman to sacrifice her dreams in order to survive.

In fact, women over 50 have acquired huge experience, wide knowledge and numerous skills which are invaluable in the job market. A great number of women wish to start their own businesses in this phase of their life, but face obstacles, such as the fear that banks won’t grant them a loan.

However, entrepreneurship is not a right exclusive to young ages. It belongs to all women who dare to fulfil their ambitions passing on their knowledge and services to their community. To any woman who dares to pursue her dreams and make them come true!

3. A woman, from a certain age on, has completed her life cycle

As a woman grows older, some may suppose that she has lived everything, thus she gets tired and quits. This prejudice is though far from true, at least for quite a few women. On the contrary, a large crowd of women at this age discover new perspectives in their life. Regardless of the choices they have already made in their personal life, they are free to choose their fate. Either they choose to live alone, continue to be in a romantic relationship, or create new circles of friendship and love, their life is still filled with potential.

They may take up a new hobby, explore new professional prospects or participate in volunteer work. Explore and care for their body and mental health. Maturity doesn’t mean waiting for the end. It could mean doubting and rejecting anything they have tried and failed in and a new search, a new beginning! A new identity! Or a completion and alteration of the identity they have already built through their life

women aegism

The Power of Maturity

The mature woman does not wither. She’s like a rose which constantly blooms, having grown deep roots and stunning petals. The horns she may have grown, exist only to protect her gentle and sensitive soul. Her power and experience is a source of inspiration to anyone around her, making the world richer and prettier! Hence, entrepreneurship and a professional career are not just for younger women.

The stereotype of Women and Ageism has to be taken down, as the experience and wisdom are valuable assets in the job market. They’re not just virtues, but irreplaceable tools to success. Let’s move ahead with courage, leaving behind the stereotypes and creating a world that recognizes and values women of all ages.

At all ages, support and networking are the keys to success. The Membership Program of Women Do Business offers valuable opportunities to women, entrepreneurs or not, granting them access to tools, resources and support, so that they will continue to bloom and achieve their goals!

Article Writer: Polikseni Papadopoulou

Article Editor: Sofia Dialiatsi

Featured Image By: Nick Dolding-Getty Images

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